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Events & Services

Staria Academy has been committed in promoting Rhythmic Gymnastics for children and adults for many years, and has successfully cultivated many outstanding Rhythmic Gymnasts. Coaches of Staria Academy have rich experience in Rhythmic Gymnastics performances and activities, and have become the best choice for renown corporations for Rhythmic Gymnastics performances and activities.


Staria Academy is capable in organising all types of rhythmic gymnastics activities, including performances, courses, competitions, workshops, etc. Through many years of experience, we are able to  showcase wonderful and impressive rhythmic gymnastics performances based on the theme and needs of the event.

Our Associates: Asia Pacific Rhythmic Gymnastics Federation, The Gymnastics Association of Hong Kong, Christian Alliance International School, SKH St. James' Primary School, Eugene Group Limited, Hong Kong Mega Showcase, Mom and Baby Expo etc. 

If you are interested in cooperating with our team or inviting us to perform in your events, please feel free to contact us through email - 

Staria Academy 多年來致力於推廣兒童及成人藝術體操,成功培育出不少出色的藝術體操運動員。Staria Academy 的教練團隊均擁有豐富的藝術體操演出經驗,成為各界於藝術體操演出合作的最佳之選。

Staria Academy 能為你籌辦各類型的藝術體操活動,包括演出、課程、比賽、工作坊等,並憑著多年經驗,針對活動主題和需求構思出精彩而印象深刻的藝術體操活動及演出。

我們的工作及合作伙伴: 亞太藝術體操聯會,中國香港體操總會,宣道國際學校,聖公會聖雅各小學,荷花集團,香港冬季購物節,好媽咪Baby - mo 等等。



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