Welcome to
Staria Academy
Staria Academy promotes Rhythmic Gymnastics in a fun, safe, and clean environment. We are the top Gymnastics Center in Hong Kong that offers designated professional rhythmic gymnastics training programs for students age 3 or above to adulthood.
Staria Academy 是香港頂級的藝術體操學府,致力提供一個有趣,安全和乾淨的環境中學習藝術體操。Staria提供的課程包括從幼兒到成年的藝術體操訓練計劃。

Register Trail Class Now !
STARIA's Rhythmic Gymnastics- Limited Time Offer 🎉
Children Trail Class (3 years or older):
For one person HKD $ 130 (original price 200)
For two persons HKD $ 250 (original price 400)
HKD $ 500-1000 Gift Voucher upon regular class registration 🎉
Participants will be notified by phone / whatsapp to confirm the registration status and payment procedure, and must pay the fee within the specified time ($ 100 for one person and $ 180 for two persons)
STARIA 的藝術體操- 限時禮遇
幼兒/兒童/少年藝術體操體驗堂 (3歲或以上):
一人HK$130 (原價200) 二人同行 HK$250(原價400)
出席後將獲發STARIA 藝術體操課堂HK$500-1000禮券
參加者將收到電話/whatsapp 確認報名狀況及付款程序通知,並需在指定時間內支付費用 (一人$100/二人$180)
705, China Shipbuilding Tower, 650 Cheung Sha Wan Road